Ballast Water Analysis

Technos Mihara Corporation
specializing in Non destructive inspections


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as of March 2023

First certified in Japan for ballast water analysis

To Ship’s owners and ship management companies.
A webinar regarding ballast water analysis
for ship’s owners and ship management companies.

Opening date and timeWe are seeing to the arrangement for the webinar.
The Webinar contentWe will explain how to tackle issues from a background  of VGP ballast water analysis.
TrainersKauznori Morioka, Kanako Arimori from Sales deparement, TECHNOS MIHARA
Stream methodZoom
Participation feeFree
ParticipantsShip owners, ship management company personnel and people who are related to the ship industry.
The number of participantsThis offer is limited to the first 50 participants.
Application deadline

Webinar points

  • Comprehension of the latest regulations.
  • Understanding necessary preparations for ballast water analysis.
  • Comprehension of how to progress with ballast water sampling.
  • Tips on how to pass the analysis.
  • Understanding the causes of failure.

This webinar is aimed at people who have the following concerns.

  • Anyone knowing what type of preparation should be done in the face of a mandatory analysis.
  • Anyone who failed a previous analysis, looking to pass.
  • Anyone who would like to learn about the ballast water analysis preparation, corresponding to each regulations.
  • Anyone who would like to understand the benefit of the ballast water analysis in depth.

Sample report Ballast Water analysis

Techonos mihara will provide how to deal with ballast water analysis based on our experience.


Free download

The full analysis is available,
following the regulations published by VGP,
based on the EPA methods.

Ballast water analysis which is the cornerstone
of the global environment protection

It is estimated that about 12 billion tons
of ballast water travels annually.

* IMO (announced by the International Maritime Organization)

Adverse effects by non native marine species carried by ships.

Risks to human health and the local economy.

Costs to control the spread of environmental damage.

Ballast water analysis of Technos Mihara

Accredited under “ISO / IEC 17025: 2005” standard in Japan

As of June 2014, Our ballast water analysis laboratory is approved to check microorganism in ballast water according to an ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 standard . The authorized certifying third party checks whether laboratory of analyzing organization is able to produce accurate monitoring/ calibrating the results. The certifying organization stipulates requirements for the laboratory that performs analysis and measurement and the certifying organization checks the accuracy of the measuring equipment.

Reliable service under “ISO / IEC 17025: 2005” standard certification

ISO / IEC 17025 as a world standard determines whether test / calibrating results is credible or not, is called for in every fields. We provide accurate reports on ballast water analysis, based on the mandatory international standards, which certify quality and capability of laboratory and calibrating organization.

Deballast water analysis of EPA Vessel General Permit (VGP)It is possible to correspond to the required items.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) implemented the Vessel General Permit [VGP] program in 2008 to promote vessel environmental regulations. The program consists of various rules, procedures and standards for vessel drainage, including ballast water.

Analysis can be carried out in analytic techniques require the US EPA.

In addition to emission standards, analysis methods have been set for 2013 VGP, and our analysis room can perform analysis using the analysis methods required by the US EPA.

Analytical room that complies
with international standards

Bacteria analysis room

We are fully equipped with facilities for culturing and analyzing each bacterium.

  1. Total heterotrophic bacteria
  2. Coliform
  3. Entercoccus
  4. Vibrio cholera

Residual biocide analysis room

Chlorine has a high bactericidal effect and has the advantage of sustaining (residual) its effect, so it is most often used as a bactericidal agent. Generally, it has a self-cleaning effect in nature, and pollutants mixed in water are decomposed and removed to a harmless level. On the other hand, if the conditions are met, trace pollutants such as “trihalomethane” may be generated. It is obligatory to regulate and monitor the content of harmful substances contained in discharged water.

  1. Chlorine Dioxide
  2. Total Residual Oxidant*
  3. Chlorine
  4. Chlorate
  5. Total Trihalomethanes
  6. Haloacetic Acids

Sampling analysis flow

Visiting a ship


Result report

Analysis/Inspection area

Our service is available anywhere in the world.
Please feel free to contact us for other areas.

Please feel free to contact us for other areas.

Ballast water analysis column

FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions

What is the storage temperature? Is it possible to freeze the samples?Our staff visits the ship to sample and store them at 10 ℃  or below and transport them to the lab. Freezing them is not possible.
How much treated water is needed for analysis ?Please prepare the water that will be deballasted for about 1 hour per unit.
Where can it be done ?It can be done in Japan, the Philippines, and China.
Please feel free to consult about other countries as well.
What ballast water treatment type can be analyzed?UV type, chemical (chlorine type) input type, and electrolysis type can be analyzed.
How long does it take results of the analysis?It takes about 1-3 weeks.
How long do you need holding time?Holding time depends on the type of BWTS.
Follow the operation manual of the installed ballast water treatment.

Please feel free to contact us first


Expert in plate thickness measurement and detailed inspection of hull structural members

Technos Mihara Corporation

Headquarters location5-2-10 Miyaura, Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture
Telephone number+81-848-62-9223
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Global compnay promoting safety and security to
the world through Non destructive inspection technology.